This section includes specials on products or new items. This section is updated monthly or when needed to ensure that the specials and products are correct and up to date. Any questions? Contact Greg Martin

MMD Equipment – Komatsu excavator, great trade in programs and rental splits, new 70cfm compressor and 12kw genset. Air and genset manuals now on website, new literature for all products.

MK Diamond – Diametrix blade, cuts faster than any blade. New catalog. Saws made in USA. New BX-4 with water. New 35hp self-propelled saw, new single voltage blocksaw.

Bil-Jax – 4 new booms, hydraulic outriggers and self-leveling. Special pricing on projax pantented locking system, new website.

Little Wonder/Classen/Mantis – new line, buy direct, not through distributor. Now bigger discount mowers, vacs, tillers, edgers, sod cutters, airators, thatchers.

Essex Silverline – New velcro drum system, fast and easy for rental.

BE Pressure Supply - new auto start/stop units. Lower pricing on units, lowest pricing to rental industry on cold water.

Rolair Compressors – new 1.5 hp lightweight units. 3.2cfm only on 38lbs beats big box cheap chinese units. Largest selection in industry.

Allied/Rammer – hyrdraulic breakers, new IN series, no nitrogen, unbreakable tool, no greasing, multipurpose brackets, smaller, harder hitting. trapizoid tool, new slab breaker.

B & G Industrial Sprayers – new acetone sprayer. 5 year drum warranty, private label program, low freight program. 60 years experience.

Multivibe – Largest selection of screeds, vibrators, edgers, groovers, new cordless & corded screeds and vibrators, roller screed light weight and economical.

Ground Hog – New adapters for hex or square drive. Trencher has new low maintenance sprocket. Bigger discounts.

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